Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Fkv.-F-kv.-F. tIm«bw
_n.-BÀ.-kn. Idp-I-¨mÂän-þ-F-Pyq-t¡-j³
]c-¼-cm-KX kmwkvIm-cn-tIm-Õhw


        Fkv.-F-kv.-F. tIm«bw PnÃ-bpsS B`n-ap-Jy-¯n  Idp-I-¨m _n.-BÀ.-kn-bn Fkv.-kn./Fkv.-än. hnZymÀYn-IÄ¡mbn \S-¯nb ]c-¼-cm-KX kmwkv¡m-cntImÕ-h-¯n tIc-f-¯nsâ X\Xp ]c-¼-cm-KX Iem-cq-]-§-fmb ]S-bWn, \mS³ ]m«v F¶nh Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡p-I-bp--­mbn. Ip«n-IÄ¡pw apXnÀ¶-hÀ¡pw Htct]mse Bkzm-Zy-I-c-am-bn-cp¶p Idp-I-¨m _n.-BÀ.-kn.- k½m-\n¨ Cu kwkv¡m-cn-tIm-Õ-hw.

hnhn[ kvIqfp-I-fn \ns¶-¯nb \qdnÂ]cw Fkv.-kn./Fkv.-än. hnZymÀYnþhn-Zym-Yn-\n-IÄ¡mbn 25þ01þ2013 cmhnse ]¯p-a-Wn¡v _n.-BÀ.-kn-bn h¨v _lp. Kh. bp.-]n.-kvIqÄ s\Sp-¦p¶w t\mÀ¯v {]Y-am-[ym-]nI {ioaXn euen DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp. _lp. _n.-]n.-H. C³ NmÀPv {ioaXn Pb´n Fkv.BÀ. thZn-bn-se-¯nb GhÀ¡pw kzmKXw Biw-kn-¨p.

XqSÀ¶v Xmg-¯p-h-S-Ic Kh.-FÂ.-]n.-kvIqÄ A[ym-]-I³ {io kptcjv sI.F³.-þDw kwLhpw ]S-bWn F¶ ]c-¼-cm-KX Iem-cq]w F´m-sW ¶pw, ]S-bWn Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡p-t¼mÄ A\p-jvTn-t¡­p¶ Nn«-bmb hrX-t¯-¡p-dn¨pw, ]S-b-Wn-¡p-]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶ hmtZym-]-I-c-W-§-sf-¡p-dn¨pw, ]S-b-Wn-¡p-]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶ ]¨ ]mf-bm \nÀ½nXamb tImew GXp-hn-[-amWv cq]-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶-sX¶pw, tImew cq]-s¸-Sp-¯p-t¼mÄ an\p-¡p-]-Wn-IÄ¡mbn D]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶ \nd-§Ä GsX¶pw Ah FÆn-[-amWv {]tbm-Kn-t¡-­sX¶pw, tImew G´nb ]S-b-Wn-¡-em-Im-c³ F{]-ImcamWv hkv{Xw [cn-¡p-¶-sX¶pw, c­p Xc-¯n-ep-Å hmtZym-]-I-c-W-§-fp-sSbpw hmbv]m-«n-sâbpw Btcm-l-W A-h-tcm-l-W-§Ä¡-\p-kr-X-ambn Nph-Sp-IÄ GXp-hn-[-amWv hbvt¡-­-sX¶pw Ip«n-IÄ¡p hni-Zo-I-cn-¡p-I-bp-­m-bn.

        XpSÀ¶v ]S-bWn, \ndª kZ-Ên\p ap¶n Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡p-I-bp-­m-bn. ]pdw Xncnªp \n¶ ]S-bWn Iem-Im-c³ ]Xnsb Hgp-In-sb-¯nb hmZy-ta-f-§Ä¡pw hmbv]m-«n-\p-sam¸w Nph-Sp-IÄh¨v kZ-Ên\`nap-J-ambn h¶p. icn¡pw IuXp-I-I-c-amb ImgvN Xs¶-bm-bn-cp¶p AXv. thZn \nd-ªm-Snb ]S-bWn GhÀ¡pw lrZy-amb Hc-\p-`hw Xs¶-bm-bn-cp¶p F¶-Xn kwi-b-an-Ã.

Ah-X-c-W-¯n-\p-tijw Ipf-¯qÀ Ic-bnse ]S-bWn Øncw Iem-Im-c-\mb {io sskt\m Ip«n-I-fpsS kwib§Ä¡p adp-]Sn ]d-ªp. FÃm Ip«n-Ifpw ]S-b-Wn-tb-¡p-dn¨v X§Ä¡p e`n¨ hnh-c-§Ä t\m«p ]pkvX-I-§-fn XmÂ]-cy-]qÀÆw Ipdn-¡p-¶p-­m-bn-cp-¶p.

At¶ Znhkw D¨-bv¡p-tijw \S¶ \mS³ ]m«v Ah-X-cWw \mS³ ]m«p-I-em-Im-c-\mb {io _me³ sI. tPm¬ Xtâ-Xmb ssien-bn Ip«n-IÄ¡p ap¶n Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡p-I-bp-­m-bn.

]gb Ime-t¯-bv¡pÅ Hcp Xncn-¨p-t]m-¡m-bn-cp¶p \mS³]m«v Ah-X-c-Ww. t£{X§-fn {]th-i-\m-\p-aXn \ntj-[n-¨n-cp¶ Xmgv¶ PmXn-¡m-c\v Hcp kp{]-`m-X-¯nÂ, AXm-bXv t£{X{]th-i\ hnfw_-c-¯n-\p-tijw Ahn-Ss-b¯n ImgvN-IÄ I­p aS§n, ho«n-se¯n `mcy-tbmSp Xm³ I­ Imcy-§Ä ]d-bp-¶Xv \mS³]m«p cq]-¯n Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp¶p At±-lw. Hmtcm- h-cn-IÄ ]mSp-t¼mÄ Ip«n-Ifpw AXv Gäp-]m-Sp-¶p-­m-bn-cp-¶p. \mS³]m«n-s\m¸w ]­p-Im-e-§-fn Xmgv¶ PmXn-¡mÀ¡nSbn-ep-­m-bn-cp¶ kwkm-c-co-X-Ifpw. hyàn-Isfbpw aäpw A`n-kw-t_m-[\ sN¿pt¼mÄ D]-tbm-Kn-¨n-cp¶ hm¡p-I-sf-¡p-dn¨papÅ Adnhv Gsd IuXp-I-ap-WÀ¯n.

        sshIp-t¶cw 4.30-þ\v _lp. Kh. bp.-]n.-kvIqÄ s\Sp-¦p¶w t\mÀ¯v {]Y-am-[ym-]nI {ioaXn euen ]cn-]m-Sn-bn ]s¦-Sp¯ GhÀ¡pw \µn ]d-ª-tXmsS Idp-I-¨m _n.-BÀ.-kn. \S-¯nb ]c-¼-cm-KX kmwkv¡mcntImÕ-h-¯n\p kam-]-\-am-bn. 



    World Disabled Day is Celebrated on 03-12-2013 at 10.00 am at Karukachal BRC. It’s time to effectively implement the Outcome Document of the High Level Meeting and to break barriers and open doors: to realize an inclusive society and development for all!-it is the slogan raised by UN for this year.The Programme is started with the welcome speech by Jayanthi s.r bpo in charge (karukachal BRC) and inagurated by Dr.N.Jayaraj(M.L.A),Kanjirappally.Block panchayat member Shailaja gave short description about the students whose are mentally and physically  disabled showing their strong determinations in world.after the inauguration,a variety of programmes are celebrated.Around 200 peoples are attended with their chidrens in this celebrations and it's ended by 4.00 pm.

Inaugural speech by Hon.MLA, Dr.N.Jayaraj 

Class by Vazhoor Block Panchayath Member Smt.Shailaja.

Our Students performing various items

                  U N I T E D   N A T I O N S                         N A T I O N S   U N I E S

MESSAGE ON The International Day
of Persons with Disabilities
3 December 2010

The theme of this year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities is “Keeping the promise: mainstreaming disability in the Millennium Development Goals”.

Among the promises made by world leaders at the MDG Summit in September was a commitment to improve the lives of persons with disabilities.

This diverse group includes people close to us – family, friends and neighbours.  Indeed, physical, mental and sensory impairments are very common, affecting about 10 per cent of the world’s population.

Disability is also highly correlated with poverty.  People with disabilities account for roughly 20 per cent of those living in poverty in developing countries.  Worldwide, they suffer high rates of unemployment and often lack access to adequate education and healthcare.  In many societies, there are simply no provisions made for this group and they end up living in isolation, disconnected from their own communities.

Despite these obstacles, persons with disabilities have displayed great courage and resilience.  But even as we continue to be inspired by those who reach the highest levels of human achievement, such successes must not obscure the difficulties faced by those who live in desperate conditions and lack the rights, privileges and opportunities available to their fellow citizens.

Governments need to do more to support people with disabilities.  That means implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  And it means integrating their needs into national Millennium Development Goal agendas.  In the Action Plan adopted at the MDG Summit, world leaders recognized that current efforts are insufficient.

On this International Day, let us recognize that the battles against poverty, disease and discrimination will not be won without targeted laws, policies and programmes that empower this group.  Let us pledge to keep the promise of the goals alive in the community of persons with disabilities.  And let us include them not only as beneficiaries but as valued agents of change in our five-year push to reach the goals by the internationally agreed deadline of 2015. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013



           We conduct a medical camp for CWSN Students with the help our IEDC Resource Teachers on August 14,16. around 300 various students participated the camp to confirm their illness.  we invited ortho surgeon for physically handicapped students,also invited the ENT Specialists. registration will start at 9.30 a.m. on  14th August 2013,


• Low vision
• Totally blind
• Hearing and Speech Impairment
• Locomotor problem
• Mental retardation
• Cerebral Palsy (CP)
• Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
• Multiple Disability (MD)

• Mapping of CWSN
• Assessment of CWSN for mapping of needs
• Educational Placement
• Aids and appliances
• Removal of architectural barriers
• Support services (Therapy, transport/ escort, surgery, etc)
• Teacher training
• Appointment of RTs/ volunteers
• Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)
• Building synergy with special schools/ NGOs
• Parental training and community Mobilization
• Peer sensitisation
Registration for the medical checkup, our IEDC volunteers registering one of the Student for the medical checkup.

           Doctor asking one of the student about his illness. nowadays our parents are more vigilant than any other state in INDIA. The Kerala model of development, based on the development experience of the southern Indian state of Kerala, refers to the state's achievement of significant improvements in material conditions of living, reflected in indicators of social development that are comparable to that of many developed countries, even though the state's per capital income is low in comparison to them. Achievements such as low levels of infant mortality and population growth, and high levels of literacy and life expectancy, along with the factors responsible for such achievements have been considered the constituting elements of the Kerala model.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013


Today (13/11/13) we are distributing our DCF to schools. We also conduct a meeting to introduce the DCF  and clear doubts with the help of our experts. They are well trained for clearing doubts. The meeting  starts at sharp 10.00 a.m. 

Quality of Data

With an aim to further improve the quality and reliability of data, it has been made mandatory for all the States and UTs to get the DISE data sample checked by an independent agency from the year 2006-07 onwards, for which the NUEPA suggested the sampling methodology and developed a special Data Capture Format for Post Enumeration Survey (PES). It is heartening to note that as many as 23 states initiated random sample checking of data in its very first year, most of which are conducted by the monitoring institutions identified for the states. In addition, the NUEPA has also launched the PES of the DISE data initially in three states, namely, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra. In addition, five Regional Workshops on Training and Capacity Building of State & District DISE/MIS Coordinators were also conducted during August-September, 2009. All these efforts would not only help in improving the quality of data but would also help in ensuring complete coverage.

 Some HM's have doubts about the time students spends in school. our experts will clear it within seconds. If the students stays 6 hours in a day at school, the teacher's wanted to stay more than one hours the students stays. yesteryear, some of them wrote  students stays 126 hours in a day at school. the doubt cleared by our experts.

our experts clearing doubts

HM's trying to fill the format
our expert giving instructions
one of the zen asking doubt

group discussion